
Looking for editing services? Hands-down, I recommend His Light Editing.

If you’re not ready for an editor – or if you’re not sure if you’re ready for an editor – then read on…

Ready to publish that first novel, but not sure if your writing is ready for the big time?

Struggling with your manuscript, and not sure if it’s good, great, or (yikes) terrible?

Have a book or two under your belt, but looking to take your writing to the next level?

Are you pretty good at writing and self-editing, but need that final polish to make sure everything is just right?

Sometimes new authors need a sounding board from someone who’s been there. Maybe you have a question and don’t know who to ask. Send me an email from my Contact page and let me see if I can help.

I strongly suggest you study my Writing Resources page before deciding to work with any editor. The better you make your manuscript before submitting it to an editor, the less time and money you will spend having your work prepared for publication.