I have a story to tell.

Born in Georgia, home is still the northern suburbs of Atlanta where my wife and I raised six children, three of whom were adopted. With a degree in Computer Science, and a successful career in technology, I never set out to be a writer. But one day I had a burning desire to write a story, the kind of story that I wished someone else would write.

I’m currently marketing my first novel, Miracle at Winterville, and I have other stories waiting in the wings. If you like adventure, romance, and spirituality all rolled into one, then I have a book for you.

I am a Christian writer, and a writer of Christian-themed stories, but I don’t limit myself to Christian characters or perfect endings. My commitment to you, the reader, is that I’ll tell a good tale without raunchy language or graphic sex. I won’t, however, water down reality – sometimes it’s ugly, and sometimes people don’t act the way we’d like. My characters are free to be themselves, and the interaction between the faithful and the faithless sometimes gets edgy just as it does in real life.

Come with me. Follow my blog about writing and the publishing process. Hear me out. Read my book. Because, I have a story to tell.

See my Statement of Faith

Want to know more about me? You can find more details and pictures here.