My second book, Mr. Jo’, has been published. Though not quite the journey it took to bring Miracle at Winterville to print, this nonetheless became more of an odyssey than I expected. COVID, of course, slowed *everything* down. And then it simply took me longer than expected to get through the process.
I actually wrote both Miracle at Winterville and Mr. Jo’ many years ago. They sat in a dusty little corner of my life while I tended to other things. I tore out complete sections of Mr. Jo’ and replaced them with new sections, complete with a new secondary character, Lily. The title changed – I originally called it Jōb. And, I re-edited the entire manuscript because my writing style had matured since I originally penned the story.
I’ve scheduled my first book signing as of this writing, and I’m excited to see the reaction to this new story. Feedback from my first book has been wonderful. I hope readers are just as thrilled with this second offering, and I hope they keep coming back for more.