I just had two interesting experiences with Miracle at Winterville that doubly conspired against me. The first is that a friend ordered a copy of the book from Amazon and received a botched printing – the first three pages of my book contained the first three pages of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Others have ordered from Amazon and received a correct copy, so this appears to be a one-off mistake. But what a mistake! Fortunately, it was a friend who received the book and not some stranger that might misunderstand and think I had done this on purpose.
I reported the error to my publisher, who will pass on the word to Amazon. I also posted a picture of the error on Facebook. Big mistake! After a few days Facebook put me in “jail.” I’m not allowed to post or comment for 30 days because they said my post violated “community standards.” I have no recourse even though I disagreed with the decision. Both my personal and author accounts are locked for a month.
You just have to love technology and social media.