After four months of lock-down, I’m finally getting back into the book-signing game. I’ll be at Tall Tale Books in Atlanta. It will be interesting to see what foot traffic is like – and this will help me determine if it’s time to send my second book to the publisher or not. Since my sales …
Tag Archives: Writing
A New Title, and Other Things
The door to public gatherings is slowly creaking back open here in Georgia. I have a book signing tentatively scheduled for this month – my first one in a long while. I’m not sure what the turnout will be like with Coronavirus still on most people’s minds. I’ve started shopping my second book around with …
Downturn and a Twist – or Two
Just when I’d beaten out a fairly steady path to book sales, the Coronavirus hit and slowly but surely shut down all unnecessary events. No gatherings of 10 or more. Keep 6 feet away from everyone. Not very conducive to book signings. I’ve been quite busy, however. I managed to finish editing my next book, …
Cover Art
I’m well into the publishing process. I received the cover art for my book, and I’m quite pleased with it. The cover art for Miracle at Winterville is now displayed on this site. The next step is inner formatting of the book text. The marketing campaign for Miracle at Winterville is ramping up. My wife …
No one likes to carry around baggage. And baggage in your writing makes you appear less professional. Let’s consider some examples. See if you can find the baggage in each: 1) There’s the house that Jack built. Such a simple sentence. What could possibly be wrong with it? There’s one extra word that isn’t necessary …
Good to Great
From the last post we started with the following book opening, which is pretty good writing: The red Grand Am rocketed along the narrow country road, bouncing from side to side. An arm or leg stuck out of every window, moving in time to the THUMP, THUMP, THUMP of the thousand-dollar stereo. The speedometer eased …
When Good Writing Isn’t Good Enough
As promised in the last post, I’m going to show actual writing examples that range from good to – hopefully – magnificent. Let’s start with the paragraph below… The car sped down the road. The college students inside the car hung their arms and legs out the open windows and shook them up and down …
Analogy for Great Writing
In the last post I raised the question of why I received so many rejections. My guess? Me. More specifically, I think my writing simply wasn’t good enough. How can that be? After all, I placed in the top 10 of the Jerry Jenkins contest. Believe me when I say I was confused. However, after …
Frustration of Rejection
In my last post, I asked the question: Why was my work rejected by every publisher – even those that showed interest? The short answer is “I don’t know”. I’ll get to a slightly longer answer, but first let me explain the “I don’t know.” Unfortunately, in the publishing world, editors will not take the …
Round and Round
I thought publication of my first book, which I titled The Wizard of Winterville, was on the road to publication. I had a well-known agent, and Jerry B. Jenkins had selected my book as a top-ten effort out of over 300 other entries. What could go wrong? In short, everything. My story was targeted at …